Secured Business Lending

If you are looking for a funding solution for your business or investment needs, Westminster Bank has a range of lending solutions to offer flexible terms and conditions.

Features & Benefits

Our Secured Business Lending range is aimed at Australian registered entities and individuals who require fast loan approval and personalized service.

A simple loan to help you grow your business or investment needs. The loan can be fully secured against Australian property, or partially secured against other business assets*.

For businesses that:

  • Borrow from A$250,000 up to A$5,000,000 for non-consumer purposes
  • Pay interest only on the amount you owe
  • Flexibility in how you repay your loan
  • Loan term of up to 12 months with clearance via property sale or refinancing or arrangements.

Funding available for

  • Cashout facility – if you have built up a strong equity position in property, however require cash flow assistance for short term requirements, Westminster Bank is able to offer equity redraw against under utilized property security
  • Mezzanine Finance -if you require short term funding to assist with development requirements
  • Bridging Requirements – short term funding solutions to bridge the cashflow gap between buying and selling property assets
  • Construction Finance – easy and flexible funding solutions for construction of commercial or residential property developments.
  • Investment Funding – our fast approval process means we can assist you with financing an investment asset much quicker than the major Banks, meaning you can make quicker decisions in negotiating terms.

Note: we cannot provide services to clients seeking funding for consumer purposes.

Fees & Charges

and Interest Rates

As every borrowing requirement is unique to your situation, our lending rates are negotiated directly with the customer to make the offering customized to your needs.

Need more information?
Please contact Westminster Bank if you would like to discuss our personalized and custom approach to your lending requirement.

How to apply online

You can open a Westminster Bank account and register interest for your lending requirements online. To do so, you need to be 18 years or over, have a registered company (if relevant) and a minimum deposit of AU$250,000.

If you have your identity verification and company registration details ready to go, please click below to commence your digital on boarding to Westminster bank