International Trade Finance

Westminster Bank is an Approved and Certified SWIFT Financial Institution and is building out our connectivity across the global Banking network. Our International solutions are tailored to fit the trading cycle of your business to free up resources and working capital in your business. Westminster Bank offers personalized service, expert knowledge and tailored solutions for both importers and exporters.

Export Finance

Our Export Finance solutions are designed to help you receive payments quicker from your customers around the globe via the SWIFT network.

If your business is involved in export or products around the globe, we can assist with providing

  • Export Documentary Collection
  • Export Documentary Letter of Credit
  • Short term funding against your Letter of Credit

Fees & Charges and Interest Rates

As every borrowing requirement is unique to your situation, our lending rates are negotiated directly with the customer to make the offering customized to your needs.

Need more information?
Please contact Westminster Bank if you would like to discuss our personalized and custom approach to your Exporting and Funding requirement.

How to apply online

You can open a Westminster Bank account and register interest for your lending requirements online. To do so, you need to be 18 years or over, have a registered company (if relevant) and a minimum deposit of AU$250,000.

If you have your identity verification and company registration details ready to go, please click below to commence your digital on boarding to Westminster bank